From the sidelines of your child’s weekend tournaments, one may hear conversation ranging from “A purchased knee or foot brace”, to the “Physical Therapist prescribing rehabilitation for the shin, knee or elbow pain from last week’s practices.”
Organized competitive youth sports has increased benefits for young girls and boys, moreover, has also elevated unnecessary and preventable injuries to your child’s ongoing athletic development.
In short, today’s athlete is missing one determining factor in their athletic ability, Strength
Run or Sprint?
Most youth sports played today require speed, stamina and grit to play both effectively, moreover, longer. Sadly, today’s approach in developing this fundamental skill is through running, not sprinting.
Sprinting insists maximal bio-mechanical effort into the ground and improving ground force reaction. Which, in turn, improves the working capacity to play at a higher force output (a.k.a.) POWER!
Unfortunately, power does not arrive before strength and why having a child learn HOW to sprint properly will widen their playing skill well beyond our current state of overuse and open to injury.
If you would like more information or would like to have your child’s current fitness measured: email –