Play + Sport = Safety

Is my child safe playing sports?

Gone are the days where kids played for hours, everyday after school and well until the evening hours come weekends.  Today your child’s motor skill development is governed by the sport they will play the most.

This may seem the proactive and appropriate way to keep them healthy, moving, and free of harm.  Often times it is, however, with everything good comes a not so good.

One danger young athletes face is the blind disarming of their own ability to play the sport they love for years.   This may not present a current problem, moreover, if your child spends hours attaining a skill set they will never use in the future, then your family time and financial investment will have diminished all the way down to nothing.

Well now what?   Grasp what athletic ability means for them!

Athletic ability is a full circle system, meaning the ability to perform, recover, and repeat.   Most organized sport programs only know or have the time to coach the ‘repeat’ part of the process, which does not directly support the performance or recover ability part of the athletic equation.


Athletic value is gained when kids can simply

  • Play (move)
  • Fall (dynamic flexibility)
  • Jump (plyometric)
  • and Run (aerobic conditioning)

And, in the opportunity to Create, Interact, and SELF COACH.

Skills such as these can carry over to personal strategies, and to their passion for playing, in turn, building resilience and leadership into their lifelong behaviors.

If you would like more information or to have your child’s fitness measured:  email – 


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