We have access to the mass of information on recovery for optimal health. The problem is it is not given in a way to allow any one individual to see their own “big picture”. Optimal health for the individual will be the daily acts that build upon one another to, over time, aid our wired biological ability to fulfill a current need. Recovery will be those daily habits.
To start, ask yourself a version of three questions:
For example, “Am I chewing?”. Most of us eat way to quickly and are usually distracted to recognize how much we have eaten.
Second, “Am I moving? Movement was our first medicinal act to uncovering personal health. Before there were any pills available, there existed the space for us to move freely. Now we live in a modern world prescribing a comfortable force, and we are getting sicker because of it.
Finally, who is in my living space? We live in a fast paced world. Conversationalists are a dying breed. We rarely have the opportunity of nurturing life long, authentic relationships.
Your optimal health will exist in the environment that has the highest impact on your daily behavior. If you are reading this, then it’s likely you have the opportunity to place action steps to fulfill your own required health needs. Real health care starts with self care. The hardest part will be letting go. The easiest will be to repeat it.