Address Weaknesses

Now that competition seasons are ending, most choose to continue playing their same sport.  This may seem  a proactive step to advance as an athlete.  Unfortunately that may not be the whole truth.


My daughters (ages 11 and 10) recently finished their second and third consecutive soccer season.  Both played incredibly well, and my wife and I fully enjoyed seeing all team players progress with three practices a week, as well as, a game or two every weekend.

Truth is with this amount of play and practice, players also pick up diminishing returns a long the way.  After a brief assessment, I found my daughters  Flexor chains over active, thus, less force (and awareness) of Posterior muscles (ie. glutes, hamstrings), as well as, a balance with their upper body and core development.

Why this plays important is when competition season returns, they are capable of improving above their current level of play, rather only improve with where they are already competent.  This can also lead to a lowering of unnecessary injury and increase in on-field play next season.

If you would like your current fitness measured or have any questions email:








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