Lifelong Athleticism











What:  Gluteus (Buttocks), Hamstrings and Gastrocnemius (calf muscle)

Why is this important?

Every locomotive step forward or a sprint into a different direction is an expression of your ability to maneuver with a specific ground reactive process.  For leverage, we call upon our back-side (or posterior) line of muscles to aid with maximizing this powerful reactive process.

Posture, movement and motion are all patterns offered by pull of gravity against the ground, and why longterm life and athletic readiness must first consider the demands required to successfully pull a reaction from the ground.

Weakness in the muscles of your posterior chain, specfically the glute-ham-stoc, disallows maximal force transfer.  Thus creating inefficient mechanics, and eventually, harmful repetitive stress injury.

If you would like more information or would like to have your current fitness measured: email –







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